
Integrated agency for consulting and research


Defining one perception of risk worldwide

It is a challenge to define an opportunity and a risk in a worldwide operating company. Asian colleagues might have a different view on the same opportunity than their european or american colleagues within the company. Goal of the research: Finding out company can set global rules for project management in order to avoid risk taking without losing opportunities?


Intercultural study within the company worldwide

Approach: Scenarios of opportunities which might be considered risky
Content: Rating the scenarios in terms of chances and risks
Methods: Rating scales, Analytic Hierarchy Process decision making scenarios

Field Report

Employees in three continents involved

Company: International employees of one division.
Number of participants: 300 employees
Time frame: 2 weeks online time
Language: English


Definition of an internal understanding of risk and opportunity

The study showed clear differences of perception of risk in the international context of the employees. As a learning the company defined specific trainings in order to establish one worldwide common understanding of risk and chances.